How To Play
Step by step description on how to get started!
Last updated
Step by step description on how to get started!
Last updated
Upon entering the site, users will be greeted with "join a game" or "create new game". On the left side our global stats will be presented. On the right, statistics relevant to the player such as their average ROI, average gametime, total wins, and total losses are also shown.
In order to join a game you (Player 2) will receive a code from your friend (Player 1), which you are required to type in the code that was given or click on the link that was sent to you. Afterwards, you will then have to input the contract address of the token that you would like to wager with.
Once you've clicked on create new game you will be brought to the settings page where you will input the "Maximum ROI". The first player to hit the specific % target is the winner. Next, you will have to input a time limit that determines how long a game lasts. Keep in mind, time limit is based on minutes. After completing the first step, you should now be on the "choose your token" page. This is where you will input a contract address of a token you would like to wager with against your opponent. If inputted correctly, under the box, the ticker of the token should be there. Enter a wager amount that you and your opponent have agreed with or you can use our preset options. Click "next" and you are ready to begin the match.
At this point, you now have to send the code/link to your opponent in order for them to join you to begin the match.
Once your opponent has entered the match, a screen will be displayed, providing essential information about the match. This screen will also enable both players to submit their wagers.
After both players have submitted their wagers, a start game button will appear. Match begins.
Once the match begins, you will be presented with the match screen. Players will have access to vital information. This include details on the selected coins, the match's price target, a game countdown timer, and a forfeit button. It's important to note that opting to forfeit will require both players to confirm. Additionally, information regarding the opponent's previous matches will also be displayed.
A match in the game can conclude in one of three ways: either a player reaches the price target, the allotted time expires with the player having the highest increase or smallest decrease in price declared the winner, or players chooses to forfeit. Upon the conclusion of the match, screens will appear to announce the winner and loser, showcasing the price change of the chosen coins, the amount won or lost, and the total duration of time spent in the game. Note: Winner payouts may take a minute.